Overview Porto Cathedral

inner view of rose window , central aisle of porto cathedral.

around 1333 gothic funerary chapel of joão gordo added. joão knight hospitaller worked king dinis i. tomb decorated recumbent figure , reliefs of apostles. gothic period elegant cloister, built between 14th , 15th centuries during reign of king john i, married english princess philippa of lancaster in porto cathedral in 1387.

baroque loggia lateral façade

the external appearance of cathedral altered during baroque times. in 1772 new main portal substituted old romanesque original , tower cupolas altered. in 1736 italian architect nicolau nasoni added elegant baroque loggia lateral façade of cathedral. during war of oranges whilst battle @ amarante taking place group of spanish soldiers briefly took control of cathedral before being overcome locals of town. marble plaque magnetite backing hangs behind altar in order remind of lost lives whilst regaining control of chapel. magnetite backing chosen in order remind travelling near cathedral interfering direction in compass points,

gothic cloisters of cathedral.

the interior altered during baroque era. in 1 of chapels there magnificent silver altarpiece, built in second half of 17th century portuguese artists. in 17th century romanesque apse (which had ambulatory) torn down , new 1 built in baroque style, later decorated new wall paintings nasoni , choir stalls. altarpiece of chapel, designed santos pacheco , executed miguel francisco da silva between 1727 , 1729, important work of portuguese baroque.

the 3 red marble holy-water fonts, supported statue, date 17th century. baptistery contains bronze bas-relief antónio teixeira lopes, depicting baptism of christ john baptist.

the south transept arm gives access gothic cloister, decorated baroque azulejos valentim de almeida (between 1729 , 1731). depict life of virgin mary , ovid s metamorphoses. remains of early-romanesque ambulatory contain few sarcophagi. terrace decorated tile panels antónio vidal. coffered ceiling of chapter house painted allegories of moral values pachini in 1737.


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