Origin myths History of tea

japanese painting depicting shennong.

in 1 popular chinese legend, shennong, legendary emperor of china , inventor of agriculture , chinese medicine drinking bowl of boiled water due decree subjects must boil water before drinking time around 2737 bc when few leaves blown nearby tree water, changing color. emperor took sip of brew , pleasantly surprised flavor , restorative properties. variant of legend tells emperor tested medical properties of various herbs on himself, of them poisonous, , found tea work antidote. shennong mentioned in lu yu s famous work on subject, classic of tea. similar chinese legend goes god of agriculture chew leaves, stems, , roots of various plants discover medicinal herbs. if consumed poisonous plant, chew tea leaves counteract poison.

a rather gruesome legend dates tang dynasty. in legend, bodhidharma, founder of chan buddhism, accidentally fell asleep after meditating in front of wall 9 years. woke in such disgust @ weakness cut off own eyelids. fell ground , took root, growing tea bushes. sometimes, version of story told gautama buddha in place of bodhidharma.

scholars believe tea drinking originated in southwest of china, , chinese words tea may have been derived austro-asiatic languages of people inhabited area.

whether or not these legends have basis in fact, tea has played significant role in asian culture centuries staple beverage, curative, , status symbol. not surprising, therefore, theories of origin religious or royal in nature.


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