Abdication of Victor Emmanuel and Regency of Charles Albert Charles Felix of Sardinia

victor emmanuel i, abdicated in favour of charles felix after rebellion of 1821

on sunday 11 march 1821, king victor emmanuel met crown council, charles albert member of. result of king s indecision, no action taken.

on 12 march, citadel of turin fell hands of rebels. victor emmanuel encouraged charles albert , cesare balbo negotiate carbonari, refused listen messages. thus, in evening, in face of spreading military uprising, king abdicated in favour of brother charles felix. since latter in modena @ time, charles albert appointed regent.

the abdication of king, followed dismissal of ministers of state, led chaos because created dynastic crisis foreign powers not ignore , because split army , bureaucracy, preventing every possibility of maintaining order.#

the regent tried take control naming new government (the lawyer, ferdinando del pozzo (1768-1843) minister of intrior, general emanuele pes di villamarina minister of war, , lodovico sauli d igliano minister of foreign affairs) , attepted negotiate rebels, achieved nothing.

given impossibility of taking decisions without agreement of new king, charles albert sent charles felix account of events, seeking instructions, letter took long time reach destination.

fearful of becoming object of popular anger, on evening of 13 march 1821, charles albert signed decree granting constitution along lines of spanish constitution of 1812, not become law until approved king.

the next day, regent decided form junta, protect parliament. 2 days after that, swore observe spanish constitution, in savoyard version had been altered according requests of victor emmanuel s consort, maria therese.


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