Converting numbers Scientific notation

1 converting numbers

1.1 decimal scientific
1.2 scientific decimal
1.3 exponential

converting numbers

converting number in these cases means either convert number scientific notation form, convert decimal form or change exponent part of equation. none of these alter actual number, how s expressed.

decimal scientific

first, move decimal separator point sufficient places, n, put number s value within desired range, between 1 , 10 normalized notation. if decimal moved left, append × 10 ; right, × 10 . represent number 7006123040000000000♠1,230,400 in normalized scientific notation, decimal separator moved 6 digits left , × 10 appended, resulting in 7006123040000000000♠1.2304×10. number 3002596790000000000♠−0.0040321 have decimal separator shifted 3 digits right instead of left , yield 3002596790000000000♠−4.0321×10 result.

scientific decimal

converting number scientific notation decimal notation, first remove × 10 on end, shift decimal separator n digits right (positive n) or left (negative n). number 7006123040000000000♠1.2304×10 have decimal separator shifted 6 digits right , become 7006123040000000000♠1,230,400, while 3002596790000000000♠−4.0321×10 have decimal separator moved 3 digits left , 3002596790000000000♠−0.0040321.


conversion between different scientific notation representations of same number different exponential values achieved performing opposite operations of multiplication or division power of ten on significand , subtraction or addition of 1 on exponent part. decimal separator in significand shifted x places left (or right) , x added (or subtracted from) exponent, shown below.

7003123400000000000♠1.234×10 = 7003123400000000000♠12.34×10 = 7003123400000000000♠123.4×10 = 1234


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