Cephalopods Adolf Naef
anatomy of embryonic loligo squid adolf naef s die cephalopoden, 1921
it naef s abiding fascination evolution , systematics brought him study of cephalopods. invited dohrn complete cephalopod monograph, took project opportunity put own systematic theories practice.
he aimed construct first complete phylogeny single group, purpose cephalopods served well. group contains relatively few species (compared to, say, gastropods) spanning relatively high morphological diversity--ideal material systematist. naef found cephalopod embryology , paleontology quite amenable study.
although naef professed no special interest in cephalopods, work advanced scientific knowledge of group , maintained connection cephalopod studies throughout career. described dozens of new species, genera , families--both living , fossil--and created first chart of cephalopod embryonic stages, still in use today.
naef s hypotheses cephalopod evolution continue inform contemporary research. found evidence fins on belemnites hundred years before existence proven, , first propose modern squids evolved directly belemnites. after period of skepticism, idea has been gathering traction. naef s suggestion argonauts have evolved ammonoids, however, has been refuted.
in 1930, extinct spirulid genus naefia named in honor paleontologist walter wetzel.
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