Achievements Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe

1 achievements

1.1 regional table
1.2 working table 1
1.3 working table 2
1.4 working table 3

regional table

working table 1

consists of 5 task forces: media, education , youth, local democracy , cross border cooperation, parliamentary cooperation , gender issues.

apart director wt relies on work of 2 experts srđan cvijić , talia boati.

working table 2

completed matrix of bilateral free trade agreements (ftas) between countries of region.

kosovo participating (represented unmik per un security council resolution 1244), not ftas ready yet.
there proposal unite multiple ftas (including full coverage of kosovo) single free trade area (maybe extension of central european free trade agreement). agreement due signed first half of 2006.

formation of south-east europe regional energy market electricity , natural gas. participating member partners of pact (without moldova) greece , turkey.

this process enhanced recent creation of common european energy community between european union , countries participating in pact (without moldova) , kosovo. turkey has delayed participation 6 months, because of problems implementation of environment parts of acquis communautaire. moldova, ukraine , norway expected join later.

working table 3

working table iii deals questions of both internal , external security. aim establish stable security environment in region , promote regional co-operation in fighting organised crime , corruption , on migration issues. divided 2 sub-tables. first 1 deals justice , home affairs , second 1 defence , security sector reform issues.


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