Laws related to indigenous site protection Protection of Native American sites in Florida

1 laws related indigenous site protection

1.1 seminole tribe of florida s cultural resource ordinance, 2013
1.2 antiquities act of 1906
1.3 national historic preservation act of 1966 (nhpa)
1.4 section 106 of national historic preservation act
1.5 archaeological resources protection act (arpa) of 1979
1.6 native american graves protection , repatriation act (nagpra) of 1990
1.7 chapter 872.05-- unmarked human burials (florida statutes, title xlvi, offenses concerning dead bodies , graves)

laws related indigenous site protection

the following list of legislation , codes brief descriptions related protection of native american sites in florida.

seminole tribe of florida s cultural resource ordinance, 2013

seminole tribe of florida s cultural resource ordinance or cro adopted tribal council in 2013 , approved advisory council on historic preservation in 2016. ordinance allows tribe take control of cultural resources within reservation lands.

the antiquities act of 1906

the antiquities act of 1906 first federal law provided protection cultural , historic resources.

the national historic preservation act of 1966 (nhpa)

the national historic preservation act of 1966 (nhpa) intended establish program further preservation of additional historic properties throughout united states.

section 106 of national historic preservation act

under section 106 of national historic preservation act, federal agencies required consider consequences of activities on historic properties , allow advisory council historic preservation consult on issue.

archaeological resources protection act (arpa) of 1979

the archaeological resources protection act of 1979 intended protect archaeological , cultural resources on public , indian lands future generations. additionally arpa improve relations between government, professional archaeologists, , private citizens.

native american graves protection , repatriation act (nagpra) of 1990

the native american graves protection , repatriation act (nagpra) gives rights native american descendants of treatment of native american remains , funerary goods.

chapter 872.05-- unmarked human burials (florida statutes, title xlvi, offenses concerning dead bodies , graves)

chapter 872.05 ensures human burials treated proper respect , dignity regardless of background of individual , location of site on state, submerged, or private lands.


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