Evidence of Harm David Kirby (journalist)

evidence of harm explores controversies surrounding thimerosal containing vaccines (tcvs), , whether tcvs have contributed apparent increase of autism, adhd, speech delay , other childhood disorders in united states. in book, kirby tells personal stories of parents of children have autism, founders of advocacy group safeminds, including sallie bernard, lyn redwood, mark blaxill, albert enayati, heidi roger , liz birt.

many of public health officials discount thimerosal theory unwilling interviewed book (or prohibited speaking superiors), kirby later wrote. readers invited reach own conclusions on evidence. nevertheless, kirby acknowledges (e)ach side accuses other of being irrational, overzealous, blind evidence find inconvenient, , subject professional, financial, or emotional conflicts of interest cloud judgment. ultimately, kirby finds evidence leveled against thimerosal inconclusive suggestive, , calls urgently further research.

the autism-vaccine link has been firmly discredited, including suggested evidence of link between thimerosal , autism. majority of scientific consensus agrees vast population studies have shown there no link between vaccines, autism, , thimerosal. original paper andrew wakefield started media firestorm , led fears of vaccination amongst parents has been discredited , research journalist brian deer showed data used in paper fraudulent.

british medical journal review

in may 2005, evidence of harm reviewed negatively in british medical journal. reviewer described kirby s book woefully one-sided , , wrote: in determination provide account sympathetic parents, kirby enters grip of same delusion , ends in same angry , paranoid universe campaigners have descended, alleging phone taps , other forms of surveillance struggle against sinister conspiracies between health authorities , drug companies.


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