Christianity List of 19th-century religious leaders

1 christianity

1.1 catholicism
1.2 eastern orthodoxy
1.3 oriental orthodoxy
1.4 protestantism

1.4.1 baptist
1.4.2 lutheran
1.4.3 methodist
1.4.4 other protestant

1.5 anglicanism
1.6 other christian or christian-derived faiths


roman catholic church (complete list) –

pius vii (1800–1823)
leo xii (1823–1829)
pius viii (1829–1830)
gregory xvi (1831–1846)
pius ix (1846–1878)
leo xiii (1878–1903)

old catholicism: church of utrecht –

johannes jacobus van rhyn, archbishop of utrecht (1797–1808)
vacant, archbishop of utrecht (1808–1814)
willibrord van os, archbishop of utrecht (1814–1825)
johannes van santen, archbishop of utrecht (1825–1858)
henricus loos, archbishop of utrecht (1858–1873)
johannes heykamp, archbishop of utrecht (1874–1892)
gerardus gul, archbishop of utrecht (1892–1920)

eastern orthodoxy

ecumenical patriarchate of constantinople, first among equals in eastern orthodoxy (complete list) –

neophytus vii, ecumenical patriarch (1789–1794, 1798–1801)
callinicus v, ecumenical patriarch (1801–1806, 1808–1809)
gregory v, ecumenical patriarch (1797–1798, 1806–1808, 1818–1821)
jeremias iv, ecumenical patriarch (1809–1813)
cyril vi, ecumenical patriarch (1813–1818)
eugenius ii, ecumenical patriarch (1821–1822)
anthimus iii, ecumenical patriarch (1822–1824)
chrysanthus i, ecumenical patriarch (1824–1826)
agathangelus i, ecumenical patriarch (1826–1830)
constantius i, ecumenical patriarch (1830–1834)
constantius ii, ecumenical patriarch (1834–1835)
gregory vi, ecumenical patriarch (1835–1840)
anthimus iv, ecumenical patriarch (1840–1841)
anthimus v, ecumenical patriarch (1841–1842)
germanus iv, ecumenical patriarch (1842–1845)
meletius iii, ecumenical patriarch (1845)
anthimus vi, ecumenical patriarch (1845–1848)
anthimus iv (1848–1852), restored
germanus iv (1852–1853), restored
anthimus vi (1853–1855), restored 1st time
cyril vii, ecumenical patriarch (1855–1860)
joachim ii, ecumenical patriarch (1860–1863)
sophronius iii, ecumenical patriarch (1863–1866)
gregory vi (1867–1871), restored
anthimus vi (1871–1873), restored 2nd time
joachim ii (1873–1878), restored
joachim iii, ecumenical patriarch (1878–1884, 1901–1912)
joachim iv, ecumenical patriarch (1884–1887)
dionysius v, ecumenical patriarch (1887–1891)
neophytus viii, ecumenical patriarch (1891–1894)
anthimus vii, ecumenical patriarch (1895–1896)
constantine v, ecumenical patriarch (1897–1901)

patriarchate of alexandria –

parthenios ii, pope , patriarch (1788–1805)
theophilos iii, pope , patriarch (1805–1825)
ierotheos i, pope , patriarch (1825–1845)
artemios i, pope , patriarch (1845–1847)
ierotheos ii, pope , patriarch (1847–1858)
kallinikos i, pope , patriarch (1858–1861)
iakovos (or ii), pope , patriarch (1861–1866)
chrysanthos of pentapolis, pope , patriarch (1866–1866)
nikanor i, 0 (1866–1869)
evgenios xiropotamitis, 0 (1866–1868)
nilos of pentapolis (acting), 0 (1869–1869)
nilos i, 0 (1869–1870)
?, 0 (1870–0)
sophronios iv, 0 (1870–1899)
meletios apostolopoulos, 0 (1899–1900)
photios i, 0 (1900–1925)

patriarchate of antioch –

anthemios i, patriarch (1792–1813)
seraphim i, patriarch (1813–1823)
methodios i, patriarch (1823–1850)
ierotheos i, patriarch (1850–1885)
seraphim of irinoupolis, patriarch (1885–1885)
gerasimos i, 0 (1885–1891)
seraphim of irinoupolis, 0 (1891–1891)
spyridon i, 0 (1891–1898)
germanos of tarsos, 0 (1898–1899)
?, 0 (0–1898)
meletios of laodikia, 0 (1898–1899)
?, 0 (0–1899)
meletios ii, 0 (1899–1906)

patriarchate of jerusalem –

anthimos i, patriarch (1788–1808)
polykarpos i, patriarch (1808–1827)
athanasios v, patriarch (1827–1844)
kyrillos ii, patriarch (1845–1872)
prokopios of petra, patriarch (1872–1872)
prokopios ii, patriarch (1872–1875)
iosaph of philadelphia, patriarch (1875–1875)
ierotheos i, patriarch (1875–1882)
nikiphoros of petra, patriarch (1882–1882)
photios i, patriarch (1882–1883)
nikiphoros of petra, patriarch (1883–1883)
nikodimos i, patriarch (1883–1890)
nikiphoros of petra, patriarch (1890–1891)
gerasimos i, patriarch (1891–1897)
damianos of philadelphia, patriarch (1897–1897)
damianos i, patriarch (1897–1918)

russian orthodox church (complete list) –

platon ii, metropolitan of moscow (1775–1811)
avgustin, metropolitan of moscow (1811–1819)
serafim, metropolitan of moscow (1819–1821)
filaret, metropolitan of moscow (1821–1867)
innokenty, metropolitan of moscow (1868–1879)
makary i, metropolitan of moscow (1879–1882)
ioanniky, metropolitan of moscow (1882–1891)
leonty, metropolitan of moscow (1891–1893)
sergy, metropolitan of moscow (1893–1898)
vladimir, metropolitan of moscow (1898–1912)
amvrosy, metropolitan of st. petersburg (1799–1818)
mikhail, metropolitan of st. petersburg (1818–1821)
serafim, metropolitan of st. petersburg (1821–1843)
antony, metropolitan of st. petersburg (1843–1848)
nikanor, metropolitan of st. petersburg (1848–1856)
grigory, metropolitan of st. petersburg (1856–1860)
isidor, metropolitan of st. petersburg (1860–1892)
pallady, metropolitan of st. petersburg (1892–1898)
antony, metropolitan of st. petersburg (1899–1912)

serbian orthodox church –

metodije, metropolitan of belgrade (1791–1801)
leontije lambrovic, metropolitan of belgrade (1801–1813)
hadzi melentije stevanovic, metropolitan of belgrade (1809–1811)
dionizije ii niski, metropolitan of belgrade (1813–1815)
agatangel, metropolitan of belgrade (1815–1825)
melentije pavlovic, metropolitan of belgrade (1815–1816)
kiril, metropolitan of belgrade (1825–1827)
antim, metropolitan of belgrade (1827–1830)

serbian orthodox church –

melentije pavlovic, metropolitan of serbia (1831–1833)
petar jovanovic, metropolitan of serbia (1833–1859)
mihailo ii jovanovic, metropolitan of serbia (1859–1881)
mojsije veresic of timok, metropolitan of serbia (1881–1883)
teodosije mraovic, metropolitan of serbia (1883–1889)
mihailo ii jovanovic, metropolitan of serbia (1889–1898)
inokentije pavlovic, metropolitan of serbia (1898–1905)

serbian orthodox church inside austrian empire –

stefan stratimirovic, 0 (1790–1836)
stefan stankovic, 0 (1836–1837)
stefan ii stankovic, 0 (1837–1841)
georgije hranislav, 0 (1841–1842)
josif rajačić, 0 (1842–1848)
josif rajačić, metropolitan of karlovci , patriarch of serb (1848–1861)
samuilo masirevic, metropolitan of karlovci , patriarch of serb (1861–1870)
arsenije stojkovic, metropolitan of karlovci , patriarch of serb (1870–1872)
nikanor grujic, metropolitan of karlovci , patriarch of serb (1872–1874)
prokopije ivankovic, metropolitan of karlovci , patriarch of serb (1874–1879)
german andjelic, metropolitan of karlovci , patriarch of serb (1879–1888)
georgije brankovic, metropolitan of karlovci , patriarch of serb (1888–1907)

romanian orthodox church –

dositheos, metropolitan of hungaro-walachia (1793–1810)
ignatios ii, metropolitan of hungaro-walachia (1810–1812)
nektarios, metropolitan of hungaro-walachia (1812–1819)
dionysios ii, metropolitan of hungaro-walachia (1819–1821)
grigorios iii, metropolitan of hungaro-walachia (1823–1834)
commission, metropolitan of hungaro-walachia (1834–1840)
ilarion of arges, metropolitan of hungaro-walachia (0–0)
neophytos of ramnic, metropolitan of hungaro-walachia (0–0)
kaisarios of buzău, metropolitan of hungaro-walachia (0–0)
neophytos ii, metropolitan of hungaro-walachia (1840–1849)
nifon ii, metropolitan of hungaro-walachia (1850–1865)
nifon, metropolitan of hungaro-walachia , primate of romania (1865–1875)
calinic, metropolitan of hungaro-walachia , primate of romania (1875–1886)
iosif, metropolitan of hungaro-walachia , primate of romania (1886–1893)
ghenadie, metropolitan of hungaro-walachia , primate of romania (1893–1896)
iosif, metropolitan of hungaro-walachia , primate of romania (1896–1909)

bulgarian orthodox church –

mattheos, metropolitan of turnovo (1797–1802)
daniil, metropolitan of turnovo (1802–1805)
makarios ii, metropolitan of turnovo (1806–1817)
ioannikios, metropolitan of turnovo (1817–1821)
ilarion, metropolitan of turnovo (1821–1827)
konstantios, metropolitan of turnovo (1827–1830)
ilarion, metropolitan of turnovo (1830–1838)
panaretos, metropolitan of turnovo (1838–1840)
neophytos, metropolitan of turnovo (1840–1846)
athanasios ii, metropolitan of turnovo (1846–1848)
neophytos, metropolitan of turnovo (1848–1858)
grigorios, metropolitan of turnovo (1858–1878)
?, metropolitan of turnovo (1872–0)
ilarion, exarch of bulgarian (1872–1872)
antim, exarch of bulgarian (1872–1877)
iosif, exarch of bulgarian (1877–1915)

georgian orthodox church –

anton ii, catholicos-patriarch of georgia (1788–1811)
varlaam, exarch of georgia (1811–1817)
theophilakt, exarch of georgia (1817–1821)
iona, exarch of georgia (1821–1832)
moisey, exarch of georgia (1832–1834)
evgeniy, exarch of georgia (1834–1844)
isidor, exarch of georgia (1844–1858)
evseviy, exarch of georgia (1858–1877)
ioannikiy, exarch of georgia (1877–1882)
pavel, exarch of georgia (1882–1887)
palladiy, exarch of georgia (1887–1892)
vladimir, exarch of georgia (1892–1898)
flavian, exarch of georgia (1898–1901)

orthodox church of cyprus –

chrysanthos, archbishop of nea justiniana , cypru (1784–1810)
kyprianos, archbishop of nea justiniana , cypru (1810–1821)
ioakim, archbishop of nea justiniana , cypru (1821–1824)
damaskinos, archbishop of nea justiniana , cypru (1824–1827)
panaretos, archbishop of nea justiniana , cypru (1827–1840)
ioannikios, archbishop of nea justiniana , cypru (1840–1849)
kyrillos i, archbishop of nea justiniana , cypru (1849–1854)
makarios i, archbishop of nea justiniana , cypru (1854–1865)
sophronios iii, archbishop of nea justiniana , cypru (1865–1900)
vacant, archbishop of nea justiniana , cypru (1900–1908)

orthodox church of greece –

grigorios iii, metropolitan of athens (1799–1820)
dionysios ii, metropolitan of athens (1820–1823)
vacant, metropolitan of athens (1823–1827)
grigorios iv, metropolitan of athens (1827–1828)
anthimos vii, metropolitan of athens (1828–1833)
neophytos v, metaxas, metropolitan of athens , greece (1833–1862)

misail, metropolitan of athens , greece (1862–1862)
theophilos, metropolitan of athens , greece (1862–1873)

prokopios georgiadis, metropolitan of athens , greece (1874–1889)

germanos ii kalligas, metropolitan of athens , greece (1889–1896)

prokopios ii oikonomidis, metropolitan of athens , greece (1896–1901)

orthodox church of albania –

efthymios, metropolitan of durrës , gora (1783–1805)
samouil, metropolitan of durrës , gora (1805–1820)
chrysanthos, metropolitan of durrës , gora (1820–1833)
gerasimos, metropolitan of durrës , gora (1833–1837)
anthimos ii, metropolitan of durrës , gora (0–1844)
anthimos iii, metropolitan of durrës , gora (1844–1845)
ioannikios, metropolitan of durrës , gora (1845–1858)
gennadios, metropolitan of durrës , gora (1858–1858)
afxentios, metropolitan of durrës , gora (1858–1859)
iosiph, metropolitan of durrës , gora (1859–1867)
vissarion, metropolitan of durrës , gora (1867–1899)
prokopios, metropolitan of durrës , gora (1899–1906)

orthodox church in america –

innocent, bishop (1840–1858)
peter, bishop (1859–1866)
paul, bishop (1866–1870)
john, bishop (1870–1877)
nestor, bishop (1878–1882)
vladimir, bishop (1887–1891)
nicholas, bishop (1891–1891)
nicholas (ii), bishop (1891–1898)
tikhon, bishop (1898–1905)

orthodox church of mount sinai –

konstantios ii, archbishop of sinai (1804–1859)
kyrillos ii, archbishop of sinai (1859–1867)
kallistratos, archbishop of sinai (1867–1885)
porphyrios i, archbishop of sinai (1885–1904)

montenegrin orthodox church –

petar i, metropolitan (vladika) (1782–1830)
petar ii, metropolitan (vladika) (1830–1851)
pero petrović-njegoš, metropolitan (vladika) (1851–1852)
danilo ii, metropolitan (vladika) (1852–1852)
nikanor ivanović-njegoš, metropolitan (1853–1860)
ilarion roganović, metropolitan (1860–1882)
visarion iii ljubisa, metropolitan (1882–1884)
mitrofan ban, metropolitan (1884–1920)

orthodox church of japan –

nicholas, bishop (1880–1906)
nicholas, metropolitan of japan (1906–1912)

ukrainian orthodox church –

gavriil ii, metropolitan of kiev (1799–1803)
serapion, metropolitan of kiev (1803–1822)
eugene, metropolitan of kiev (1822–1837)
filaret i, metropolitan of kiev (1837–1858)
isidor, metropolitan of kiev (1858–1860)
arseniy ii, metropolitan of kiev (1860–1876)
filofei, metropolitan of kiev (1876–1882)
plato, metropolitan of kiev (1882–1891)
ioannikiy, metropolitan of kiev (1891–1900)
feognost ii, metropolitan of kiev (1900–1903)

orthodox church of macedonia / under patriarchate of constantinople –

anthimos iii, metropolitan of skopje (1799–1820)
ioasaph, metropolitan of skopje (1820–1823)
ananias, metropolitan of skopje (1823–1828)
neophytos, metropolitan of skopje (1828–1831)
gennadios, metropolitan of skopje (1831–1832)
gavriil iii, metropolitan of skopje (1832–1844)
ioakim, metropolitan of skopje (1844–1868)
paisios, metropolitan of skopje (1868–1891)
methodios ii, metropolitan of skopje (1891–1896)
amvrosios stavrinos, Αμβρόσιος Σταυρινός, Амвросиос Ставринос, metropolitan of skopje (1896–1899)
firmilianos, Фирмилиан, metropolitan of skopje (1899–1903)dean of theological school of bengrade

old believers –

sofrony, archbishop of moscow (1847–1863)
antony, archbishop of moscow (1863–1881)
antony guslitsky (in opposition), archbishop of moscow (1863–1870)
iov (in opposition), archbishop of moscow (1871–1912)
savvaty, archbishop of moscow (1881–1898)
ioann, archbishop of moscow (1898–1915)

oriental orthodoxy

armenian apostolic church –

hovsep arlut ean, catholicose of armenian (1800–1801)
dawit v, catholicose of armenian (1801–1807)
daniel (in opposition), catholicose of armenian (1802–1808)
yeprem, catholicose of armenian (1810–1830)
hovhannes viii, catholicose of armenian (1831–1842)
nerses v, catholicose of armenian (1843–1857)
matevos i, catholicose of armenian (1858–1865)
gevorg iv, catholicose of armenian (1866–1882)
vacant, catholicose of armenian (1882–1885)
makar, catholicose of armenian (1885–1891)
mkrtich, catholicose of armenian (1892–1907)

simeon v, catholicose of aluank (1794–1810)
sargis hasan-jalalean, catholicose of aluank (1810–1815)

armenian apostolic church –

giragos i, catholicose of cilicia (1797–1822)
yeprem ii, catholicose of cilicia (1822–1833)
mikael ii, catholicose of cilicia (1833–1855)
giragos ii, catholicose of cilicia (1855–1865)
giragos, catholicose of cilicia (1866–1871)
mkrtich i, catholicose of cilicia (1871–1894)
grigor (acting), catholicose of cilicia (1895–0)

coptic orthodox church, (list of coptic popes|complete list) –

mark viii, pope , patriarch (1797–1810)
peter vii, pope , patriarch (1810–1852)
vacant (1852–1854)
cyril iv, pope , patriarch (1854–1861)
demetrius ii, pope , patriarch (1862–1870)
markos of alexandria , beheirah, pope , patriarch (1870–1874)
cyril v, pope , patriarch (1874–1927)

ethiopian church –

yusab, metropolitan of ethiopia (1770–1803)
makari, metropolitan of ethiopia (1808–0)
kyrillos, metropolitan of ethiopia (1816–1829)
selama iii, metropolitan of ethiopia (1841–1866)
athanasios, metropolitan of ethiopia (1868–1876)
petros, metropolitan of ethiopia (1876–1889)
mattheos, metropolitan of ethiopia (1889–1926)

syrian orthodox church –

ignatius matthew, patriarch of antioch , east (1782–1817)
ignatius yunan, patriarch of antioch , east (1817–1819)
ignatius george v, patriarch of antioch , east (1819–1836)
ignatius elias ii, patriarch of antioch , east (1838–1847)
ignatius jacob ii, patriarch of antioch , east (1847–1871)
ignatius peter iv, patriarch of antioch , east (1872–1894)
ignatius abdul masih ii, patriarch of antioch , east (1895–1905)

malabar independent syrian church –

kattumangattu abraham mar, metropolitan (1772–1802)
koorilose i, metropolitan (1802–1807)
koorilose ii, metropolitan (1807–1811)
kidanagan geevarghese mar, metropolitan (1811–1829)
philexenos ii, metropolitan (1829–1856)
koorilose iii, metropolitan (1856–1888)
koorilose iv, metropolitan (1888–1898)
karumamkuzhi geevarghese mar, metropolitan (1898–1935)


national baptist convention, usa, inc. –

w. h. alpine, president (1880–1882)
j. q. a. wilhite, president (1882–1883)
j. a. foster, president (1883–1884)
w. a. brinkley, president (1884–1885)
william j. simmons, president (1885–1890)
e. w. brawley, president (1890–1891)
m. vann, president (1891–1893)
elias camp morris, president (1895–1922)


lutheran church–missouri synod –

carl ferdinand wilhelm walther, president (1847–1850)
friedrich conrad dietrich wyneken, president (1850–1864)
carl ferdinand wilhelm walther, president (1864–1878)
heinrich christian schwan, president (1878–1899)
franz august otto pieper, president (1899–1911)

wisconsin evangelical lutheran synod –

johannes muehlhaeuser, president (1849–1860)
john bading, president (1860–1864)
gottlieb reim, president (1864–1865)
william streissguth, president (1865–1867)
john bading, president (1867–1887)
phillip von rohr, president (1887–1908)

swedish church –

uno von troil, archbishop of uppsala (1786–1803)
jacob axelsson lindblom, archbishop of uppsala (1805–1819)
carl von rosenstein, archbishop of uppsala (1819–1836)
johan olof wallin, archbishop of uppsala (1837–1839)
carl fredrik af wingård, archbishop of uppsala (1839–1851)
hans olof holmström, archbishop of uppsala (1852–1855)
henrik reuterdahl, archbishop of uppsala (1856–1870)
anton niklas sundberg, archbishop of uppsala (1870–1900)
johan august ekman, archbishop of uppsala (1900–1913)

finnish church –

jakob gadolin, bishop of turku (1788–1802)
jakob tengström, bishop of turku (1803–1817), bishop (1817–1832)
erik gabriel melartin, bishop (1833–1847)
edvard bergenheim, bishop (1850–1884)
torsten thure renvall, bishop (1884–1898)
gustaf johansson, bishop (1899–1930)


methodist church of south africa –


john walton, president (1883–1885)
richard ridgill, president (1885–1886)
fredrick mason, president (1886–1887)
robert lamplough, president (1887–1888)
henry tindall, president (1888–1889)
j smith spencer, president (1889–1890)
s evans rowe, president (1890–1891)
peter hargreaves, president (1891–1892)
james scott, president (1892–1893)
james thompson, president (1893–1894)
theophilus chubb, president (1894–1895)
erza nuttal, president (1895–1896)
philip tearle, president (1896–1897)
james scott, president (1897–1898)
james thompson, president (1898–1899)
william wynne, president (1899–1900)
william b rayner, president (1900–1901)

general secretary

robert lamplough, general secretary (1883–1887)
j smith spencer, general secretary (1887–1889)
james scott, general secretary (1889–1892)
james thompson, general secretary (1892–1893)
theophilus chubb, general secretary (1893–1894)
philip tearle, general secretary (1894–1896)
john e parsonson, general secretary (1896–1899)
alfred t rhodes, general secretary (1899–1901)

methodist work in southern , southeast asia –

james m. thoburn, bishop , superintendent (1888–1904)

other protestant

christian , missionary alliance –

albert benjamin simpson, founder , president (1887–1919)

seventh-day adventists –

john byington, president of general conference (1863–1865)
james white, president of general conference (1865–1867)
j. n. andrews, president of general conference (1867–1869)
james white, president of general conference (1869–1871)
george i. butler, president of general conference (1871–1874)
james white, president of general conference (1874–1880)
george i. butler, president of general conference (1880–1888)
ole andres olsen, president of general conference (1888–1897)
george a. irwin, president of general conference (1897–1901)

salvation army (complete list) –

william booth, founder , general (1865–1912)

new apostolic church –

fritz krebs, chief apostle (1895–1905)


church of england –

titular leadership –

george iii, supreme governor (1760–1820)
george iv, supreme governor (1820–1830)
william iv, supreme governor (1830–1837)
victoria, supreme governor (1837–1901)

spiritual leadership, (complete list) –

john moore, archbishop of canterbury (1783–1805)
charles manners-sutton, archbishop of canterbury (1805–1828)
william howley, archbishop of canterbury (1828–1848)
john bird sumner, archbishop of canterbury (1848–1862)
charles thomas longley, archbishop of canterbury (1862–1868)
archibald campbell tait, archbishop of canterbury (1868–1882)
edward white benson, archbishop of canterbury (1883–1896)
frederick temple, archbishop of canterbury (1896–1902)

anglican church of australia (complete list)–

william broughton, primate (1847–1853)
frederic barker, primate (1854–1853)
alfred barry, primate (1884–1889)
saumarez smith, primate (1890–1909) rapata te wharawhara

episcopal church (united states) (complete list) –

william white, presiding bishop (1795–1836)
alexander griswold, presiding bishop (1836–1843)
philander chase, presiding bishop (1843–1852)
thomas brownell, presiding bishop (1852–1865)
john hopkins, presiding bishop (1865–1868)
benjamin smith, presiding bishop (1868–1884)
alfred lee, presiding bishop (1884–1887)
john williams, presiding bishop (1887–1899)
thomas clark, presiding bishop (1899–1903)

other christian or christian-derived faiths

assyrian church of east, line 1 –

eliyya xiii isho-yab, patriarch (1778–1804)

assyrian church of east, line 2 –

shimoun xvi yohanan, patriarch (1780–1820)
shimoun xvii abraham, patriarch (1820–1861)
shimoun xviii rouel, patriarch (1861–1903)

latter day saint movement –

joseph smith, president of church (1830–1844)

the church of jesus christ of latter-day saints

brigham young, president of church (1847-1877)
john taylor, president of church (1880-1887)
wilford woodruff, president of church (1889-1898)
lorenzo snow, president of church (1898-1901)

church of jesus christ of latter day saints (strangite)

james strang, president , king (1844-1856)

reorganized church of jesus christ of latter day saints

joseph smith iii, prophet-president of church (1860-1914)


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