Theory Leader–member exchange theory

1 theory

1.1 background
1.2 consequences
1.3 culture
1.4 citizenship behaviors


the goal of lmx theory explain effects of leadership on members, teams, , organizations. according theory, leaders form strong trust, emotional, , respect-based relationships members of team, not others. lmx theory claims leaders not treat each subordinate same. work-related attitudes , behaviors of subordinates depend on how treated leader.


based on dulebohn et al.

dulebohn et al. identify 3 primary groups of antecedents: leader characteristics, follower characteristics, , interpersonal relationships. followers evaluated competence, agreeableness, conscientiousness, extraversion, neuroticism, , openness, positive affectivity, negative affectivity, , locus of control. leaders, on other hand, evaluated based on supervisor s expectation of followers, contingent reward behavior, transformational leadership, extraversion, , agreeableness. although leader takes dominant role in creating lmx relationship, follower plays important part in creating relationship. interpersonal relationship variables may affect relationship perceived similarity, affect/liking, integration, self-promotion, assertiveness, , leader trust. variety of characteristics creates basis lmx , allows successful or unsuccessful, depending on present traits.

of follower characteristics, competence, agreeableness, conscientiousness, extraversion, locus of control, , positive affectivity positively correlated lmx. negative affectivity , neuroticism negatively correlated lmx. of listed leader characteristics positively correlated lmx. exception of assertiveness, of interpersonal relationship variable correlated positively lmx. in experiment run dulebohn et al. measured effects of various characteristics on lmx , outcomes, leader behaviors , perceptions explained of variance. study suggests leader form relationships necessary successful implementation of lmx.


whether lmx successful can measured multitude of consequences. of consequences can measured include: turnover intentions, actual turnover, overall organizational citizenship behavior, affective commitment, normative commitment, general job satisfaction, satisfaction supervisor, satisfaction pay, procedural justice, distributive justice, empowerment, perceptions of politics, role ambiguity, , role conflict. lmx typically decreases turnover intentions , actual turnover, role ambiguity , role conflict. lmx increases other measures, particularly increasing perceptual , attitudinal outcomes.

in 1997 meta-analysis of lmx correlates , constructs, gerstner & day explain research has found relationships between lmx , positive work performance , attitude measures, members (as opposed leaders). is, members, lmx associated higher performance ratings, better objective performance, higher overall satisfaction, more satisfaction supervisor, stronger organizational commitment, , more positive role perceptions. gerstner & day s meta-analysis used 79 studies examine correlates of lmx. analysis found positive correlation between member s perceptions of lmx , leader s ratings of member s job performance. found stronger positive correlation between leader s perceptions of lmx , leader s ratings of member s job performance. fortunately subordinates, gerstner & day explain supervisors may have tendency rate subordinate more favorably due positive lmx relationship. further explain lmx perceptions may cause leader form positive or negative expectations employee can affect actual employee performance rather performance ratings. meta-analysis found statistically significant positive correlations between lmx , objective performance (as opposed subjective performance ratings), satisfaction supervisor, overall satisfaction, organizational commitment, , role clarity. found statistically significant negative correlations between lmx , role conflict , turnover intentions.


rockstuhl et al. s 2012 meta-analysis of lmx theory , national culture correlates found in western cultures lmx more correlated organizational citizenship behavior (ocb), justice perceptions, job satisfaction, turnover intentions, , leader trust in asian cultures. meta-analysis used 253 studies conducted in 23 countries compare differences in how lmx influenced work-related attitudes , behaviors such task performance, ocb, distributive justice, procedural justice, interactional justice, job satisfaction, affective commitment, normative commitment, , turnover intentions between 2 different cultural configurations: horizontal-individualistic (western countries) , vertical-collectivist (asian countries). analysis found relationships between lmx , citizenship behaviors, between lmx , justice outcomes, between lmx , job satisfaction, between lmx , turnover intentions, , between lmx , leader trust stronger in horizontal-individualistic cultures in vertical-collectivist cultures. analysis found there not cultural difference in relationships between lmx , task performance , between lmx , affective , normative organizational commitment.

citizenship behaviors

ilies et al. s 2007 meta-analysis of lmx theory , citizenship behaviors found positive relationship between lmx , citizenship behaviors. meta-analysis found target of citizenship behaviors has moderating effect on magnitude of relationship between lmx , citizenship behaviors. is, citizenship behaviors targeted @ individuals more correlated lmx citizenship behaviors targeted @ organization.


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