Aborted 2010 re-election campaign Jim Bunning

bunning eventual successor, rand paul

in january 2009, when asked whether bunning best candidate run or whether there better gop candidates bunning s senate seat, national republican senatorial committee chairman john cornyn said: don t know. think s senator bunning. bunning replied: can run choose. gearing up, , forward challenge of taking on whoever comes out of democrat primary in may of 2010. kentucky state senate president david l. williams reportedly considering running against bunning in primary. bunning responded threatening sue national republican senatorial committee if recruited candidate run against him in primary. attacked nrsc chairman john cornyn:

as of end of september 2008, bunning had $175,000 in campaign account. comparison, other republican senators facing competitive 2010 races had @ least $850,000 @ point. in last quarter of 2008, senator s campaign committee citizens bunning had raised $27,000 26 separate contributions, ending year $150,000 in cash. in mid-april, kywordsmith.com reported of $263,000 bunning collected during first quarter of 2009, on 77% ($203,383) received out of state, while on 10% ($28,100) untouchable 13 months contributed exclusively use in general election. bunning had 2 fund raisers scheduled in first half of april.

in april 2009 poll, bunning s approval rating 28%, , trailed 4 democratic candidates in hypothetical contests. 54% of voters in state disapproved of bunning s performance. kentucky secretary of state trey grayson announced on april 30, 2009, form exploratory committee run bunning s seat. speculated precursor bunning s retirement. (bunning) told trey , 1 senior congressional official said of bunning. why else tell main rival prepare run? however, bunning said @ lincoln day dinner in kentucky on 9 may still planned run: battle going long, prepared fight values.

in press conference on may 19, bunning called senate minority leader mitch mcconnell control freak : if mitch mcconnell doesn t endorse me, best thing ever happened me in kentucky.

on july 27, 2009, bunning announced not run re-election in 2010, blaming fellow republicans doing in power dry fundraising. on april 14, 2010, in further show of disdain gop leadership , insiders, bunning announced support outsider candidate rand paul on establishment favorite trey grayson.


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