Structure Puffing Billy Railway

the monbulk creek trestle bridge.

puffing billy crosses monbulk creek trestle bridge.

puffing billy preservation society

when puffing billy preservation society formed in 1955, line still under control , ownership of victorian railways (vr). society arranged vr run train on weekends , holidays, society guaranteeing vr against losses insufficient ticket sales. society volunteers took role of conductors, checking tickets on train, , fund-raising. arrangement continued until upper ferntree gully belgrave section closed in 1958.

when line reopened in 1962 (between belgrave , menzies creek), society volunteers took larger role, manning stations, selling , checking tickets, , doing non-safety-critical maintenance on train, , track maintenance under supervision of vr ganger. ticket revenue went account on vr drew pay staff involved in running line.

emerald tourist railway board

the victorian railways not in preservation business, , arrangement less ideal, in 1977 victorian government passed emerald tourist railway act 1977 (no. 9020) set emerald tourist railway board statutory authority take on ownership , operation of railway vr. act requires board have between 5 , ten members, 4 of nominated puffing billy preservation society. successive governments have had sufficient confidence in board have never appointed full entitlement, leaving control of board in hands of society nominees.

with board, volunteers able take on more responsible roles, including filling positions of signalmen, guards, , firemen, , later drivers, although board employ staff drivers provide core of driving tasks. volunteers filling responsible positions required undergo training , testing in responsibilities.


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