International relations People's Republic of Kampuchea

1 international relations

1.1 eastern bloc
1.2 united nations
1.3 china, east asia , west

international relations
eastern bloc

solidarity children of people s republic of kampuchea in zella-mehlis, east germany, during 1979/1980 famine ravaged cambodia right after birth of prk.

after kprc proclaimed in january 1979 new official name of cambodia people s republic of kampuchea (prk), newly established government notified united nations security council sole legitimate government of cambodian people. vietnam first country recognise new regime, , phnom penh restored diplomatic relations hanoi. on 18 february, heng samrin on behalf of prk , phạm văn Đồng on behalf of socialist republic of vietnam signed twenty-five-year treaty of peace, friendship , cooperation.

the soviet union, ukraine, byelorussia, east germany, bulgaria, poland, czechoslovakia, hungary, laos, mongolia, cuba, south yemen, afghanistan, ethiopia, congo, benin, , other eastern bloc states, number of pro-moscow developing countries, india, followed vietnam in recognising new regime. january 1980, twenty-nine countries had recognised prk, yet eighty countries continued recognise khmer rouge.

despite previous international outcry , concern surrounding pol pot s dk regime s gross human rights violations prove difficult prk/soc government gain international recognition beyond soviet bloc sphere.

united nations

a draft resolution people s republic of china sought condemn vietnam in un security council after invasion acts of armed invasion , aggression against democratic kampuchea, acts ... cause serious damage lives , property of kampuchean people .

as result of vehement campaign against prk, khmer rouge retained un seat despite genocidal record. cambodia represented @ un thiounn prasith, pol pot , ieng sary s crony since student days in paris. seat of democratic kampuchea s regime lasted 3 years @ united nations after fall of pol pot s regime in cambodia. in 1982 renamed coalition government of democratic kampuchea . cgdk hold seat until 1993, when soc gave way restoration of cambodian monarchy.

to refer cambodia state, general assembly of united nations continued using terms democratic kampuchea , kampuchea on decade. decided start using term cambodia @ 45th session in 1990, when transitional phase of soc on way.

china, east asia , west

the government of people s republic of china, had consistently supported khmer rouge, labelled prk vietnam s puppet state , declared unacceptable. thailand , singapore vocal in opposition vietnamese expansion , influence; singaporean representative stated recognition of prk violate un s non-intervention principle. international forums, asean meetings , un general assembly used condemn prk , genocide of khmer rouge removed centre stage of attention , pol pot won support of , of europe against vietnam.

china , western governments, number of african, asian , latin american states repeatedly backed khmer rouge in u.n. , voted in favour of dk retaining cambodia s seat in organisation @ expense of prk. british prime minister margaret thatcher famously explained believed there among khmer rouge more reasonable pol pot.

the government of sweden, however, had change vote in u.n. , withdraw support khmer rouge after large number of swedish citizens wrote letters elected representatives demanding policy change towards pol pot s regime. france remained neutral on issue, claiming neither side had right represent cambodia @ un.

in years followed, united states, under staunch anti-soviet rollback strategy of reagan doctrine support perceived anti-communist resistance movements in soviet-allied nations. largest movement fighting cambodia s communist government largely made of members of former khmer rouge regime, human rights record among worst of 20th century. therefore, reagan authorised provision of aid smaller cambodian resistance movement, coalition called khmer people s national liberation front, known kpnlf , run son sann; in effort force end vietnamese occupation. eventually, vietnamese withdrew, , cambodia s communist regime fell. then, under united nations supervision, free elections held.

ben kiernan claimed had offered support khmer rouge after vietnamese invasion. other sources have disputed these claims, , described extensive fighting between us-backed forces of khmer people s national liberation front , khmer rouge.


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