Batter.27s box and catcher.27s box Baseball field

david ortiz (in gray) of boston red sox stands in left-handed hitters batter s box @ u.s. cellular field against chicago white sox on july 7, 2006.

the batter s box place batter stands when ready receive pitch pitcher. drawn in chalk on dirt surrounding home plate, , insides of boxes watered down before each game.

the chalk lines delineating 2 foul lines extended through batter s boxes. however, lines exist conceptually purpose of judging batted ball fair or foul. in addition, inside edges of batter s boxes not laid-in chalk. similarly, though not marked, lines continue exist purpose of rules pertaining batter s box , batter s position relative thereto.

there 2 batter s boxes, 1 on each side of home plate. batter s boxes 4 feet wide (1.2 m) , 6 feet long (1.8 m). batter s boxes centered lengthwise @ center of home plate inside line of each batter s box 6 inches (15.24 cm) near edge of home plate. right-handed batter stand in batter s box on left side of home plate perspective of catcher , umpire. left-handed batter stand in batter s box right. batter may occupy 1 batter s box @ time , may not legally leave batter s box after pitcher has come set or has started windup. should batter wish leave batter s box once pitcher has engaged rubber, must first ask umpire time-out. time not granted if pitcher has started pitching motion. playing rules relating batter s box, see rules 6.05 , 6.06 of official baseball rules.


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