1886 blue uniform Uniforms of the Imperial Japanese Army
general katsura tarō in 1886 blue uniform
infantry uniforms had red facings on tunic collars, shoulder straps , trouser stripes. line infantry had yellow bands , piping on caps while infantry of imperial guard distinguished red. trouser seams both branches of infantry had wide red stripes. artillery had yellow facings on dark blue uniforms. branch colour engineers dark brown, green medical , light blue transport units. finance, administration , other support services had white facings.
the imperial japanese army in 1900. uniform colour should dark-blue not grey-green pictured in faded print.
a dark blue shako (red imperial guard units) short white plume worn full dress. ordinary duty , active service headdress form of peaked cap narrow crown, resembling french kepi of period.
a lightweight white cotton uniform used fatigue duties , tropical wear. in hot weather white trousers , cap covers worn dark blue tunics. white canvas leggings worn non-mounted personnel both white , blue uniforms until 1906.
emperor hirohito in double-breasted 1886 full dress uniform
senior officers wear longer, double-breasted version of tunic in full dress. other features included elaborate austrian knots (gold braiding on cuffs according rank), waist sashes, gold shoulder cords , plumes on dress kepi. ordinary duties , active service officers of ranks wore dark blue dolmans braided in black. in 1904 replaced dark blue tunic of simpler pattern.
cavalry regiments wore short attila jacket transverse hussar-style braiding in yellow (red cavalry of imperial guard). breeches red. cavalry branch colour green , in 1905 colour appeared on both collars , breeches stripes. other branches of imperial guard, cavalry distinguished red bands , piping on service caps. red trousers worn army bands , military police (kenpeitai).
the dark blue uniform adopted under 1886 regulations retained minor modifications until 1905. such worn during months of russo-japanese war. khaki summer uniform had been introduced shortly before outbreak of war , became general issue front line infantry during june–august 1904. cavalry , artillery subsequently issued new khaki uniform second line units continued wear dark blue until end of war in september 1905. during winter of 1904-05 heavier blue uniforms again worn under loose fitting summer khaki drill camouflage. white canvas leggings continued worn without darkening, until after war.
following russo-japanese war japanese army adopted khaki occasions - first major army discard colourful parade dress. cavalry squadrons of imperial guard , officers of branches authorized retain coloured uniforms ceremonial , social occasions, until 1939.
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