Movement and strategy Wedge strategy
in 1993, year after smu conference, johnson-behe cadre of scholars met @ pajaro dunes. here, behe presented first time seed thoughts had been brewing in mind year--the idea of irreducibly complex molecular machinery.
nancy pearcey, csc fellow , johnson associate, acknowledges johnson s leadership of intelligent design movement in 2 of recent publications. in interview johnson world magazine, pearcey says, not in politics leaders forge movements. phillip johnson has developed called intelligent design movement. in christianity today, reveals johnson s religious beliefs , animosity toward evolution , affirms johnson unofficial spokesman id.
in 1997 book defeating darwinism opening minds johnson summed underlying philosophy of strategy:
if understand our own times, know should affirm reality of god challenging domination of materialism , naturalism in world of mind. assistance of many friends have developed strategy doing this... call our strategy wedge.
at 1999 reclaiming america christ conference called reverend d. james kennedy of coral ridge ministries, johnson gave speech called how evolution debate can won. in summed theological , epistemological underpinnings of intelligent design , strategy winning battle:
to talk of purposeful or guided evolution not talk evolution @ all. slow creation. when understand way, realize darwinian theory of evolution contradicts not book of genesis, every word in bible beginning end. contradicts idea here because creator brought our existence purpose. first thing realized, , carries tremendous meaning. goes on state: have built intellectual movement in universities , churches call wedge, devoted scholarship , writing furthers program of questioning materialistic basis of science. 1 famous book s come out of wedge biochemist michael behe s book, darwin s black box, has had enormous impact on scientific world. ... way see logic of our movement going this. first thing understand darwinian theory isn t true. s falsified of evidence , logic terrible. when realize that, next question occurs is, well, might truth? when preach bible, @ churches , on sundays, don t start genesis. start john 1:1. in beginning word. in beginning intelligence, purpose, , wisdom. bible had right. , materialist scientists deluding themselves.
johnson cites foundation of intelligent design gospel according saint john, in new testament, specifically, chapter 1:1: in beginning word, , word god, , word god (king james version).
elaborating on goals , methods of wedge strategy, johnson stated in interview conducted in 2002 touchstone magazine mechanism of wedge strategy make attractive catholics, orthodox, non-fundamentalist protestants, observant jews, , on. went on elaborate:
so question is: how win? s when began develop see full-fledged in wedge strategy: stick important thing —the mechanism , building of information. bible , book of genesis out of debate because not want raise so-called bible-science dichotomy. phrase argument in such way can heard in secular academy , in way tends unify religious dissenters. means concentrating on, need creator creating, or can nature on own? , refusing sidetracked onto other issues, people trying do.
other statements of johnson s acknowledge goal of intelligent design movement promote theistic , creationist agenda cast scientific concept.
our strategy has been change subject bit can issue of intelligent design, means reality of god, before academic world , schools.
this isn t really, , never has been debate science. religion , philosophy.
critics claim johnson s statements validate claims leveled allege discovery institute , allied organizations merely stripping religious content anti-evolution, creationist assertions means of avoiding separation of church , state mandated establishment clause of first amendment. statements, when viewed in light of wedge document , district court s kitzmiller decision, show id , id movement attempt put gloss of secularity on top of fundamentally religious belief.
the wedge strategy details simultaneous assault on state boards of education, state , federal legislatures , on print , broadcast media. discovery institute has carried out strategy through role in intelligent design movement, aggressively promoted id , teach controversy campaign public, education officials , public policymakers. intelligent design proponents, through discovery institute, have employed number of specific political strategies , tactics in furtherance of goals. these range attempts @ state level undermine or remove altogether presence of evolutionary theory public school classroom, having federal government mandate teaching of intelligent design, stacking municipal, county , state school boards id proponents.
the discovery institute has provided material support , assisted federal, state , local elected representatives in drafting legislation deemphasize or refute evolution in science curricula. di has supported , advised individual parents , local groups raise subject school boards. during school board meetings in kansas, ohio, , texas, political , social agenda of discovery institute used call question both motives of intelligent design proponents , validity of position.
the discovery institute fellows have significant advantages in money, political sophistication, , experience on opponents in scientific , educational communities, not have benefit of funding wealthy benefactors, clerical , technical support staff, , expensive advertising campaigns , extensive political networking.
the discovery institute s teach controversy campaign designed leave scientific establishment looking close-minded, appearing if attempting stifle , suppress new scientific discoveries challenge status quo. made knowledge s unlikely many in public understand advanced biology, or can consult current scientific literature or contact major scientific organizations verify discovery institute claims. part of strategy plays on undercurrents of anti-intellectualism , distrust of science , scientists can found in particular segments of american society.
there noticeable conflict between intelligent design backers tell public through media , before conservative christian audiences. studied , deliberate advocated wedge strategy author phillip e. johnson. when speaking mainstream audience , media, id proponents cast id secular, scientific theory. when speaking wedge document calls natural constituency, namely (conservative) christians, id proponents express in unambiguously religious language. in belief cannot afford alienate constituency , major funding sources, virtually of conservative religious organizations , individuals such howard ahmanson.
having written extensively id, philosopher of science robert pennock says when lobbying id in public schools, wedge members deny id makes claims identity of designer. ironic political strategy leads them deny god in public square more peter did.
the term intelligent design has become liability wedge advocates since ruling in kitzmiller v. dover area school district. because of success of discovery institute s public relations campaign make intelligent design household phrase, , ruling in kitzmiller v. dover area school district id religious in nature more people recognize religious concept of creationism. having come closest accomplishing getting id public school science classes in kansas , ohio succeeded in getting state board of education adopt id lesson plans, intelligent design proponents advocated teach controversy legally defensible alternative teaching intelligent design. kitzmiller ruling characterized teaching controversy part of same religious ploy presenting intelligent design alternative evolution. prompted move fallback position, teaching critical analysis of evolutionary theory. teaching critical analysis viewed means of teaching id arguments without using label. picks themes of teach controversy strategy, emphasizing strengths , weaknesses of evolutionary theory , arguments against evolution, portray theory in crisis.
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