History Dingo Fence

a portion of dingo fence in 1952 in queensland

the earliest pest exclusion fences in australia created protect small plots of cropland predation marsupials. in 1860s , 1870s, introduced rabbit populations began spread rapidly across southern australia. 1884, rabbit-proof fence built. having been unsuccessful @ keeping rabbits out, , more successful @ keeping out pigs, kangaroos, emus , brumbies, , more sheep farms established, interest dingo-proof barriers increased enough government funds being used heighten , expand fence. in 1930, estimated 32,000 km of dog netting in queensland alone being used on top of rabbit fences. prior 1948, idea of dingo barrier fence scheme had not come fruition statewide project annual maintenance , repair kept. since time, there have been pushes move away method of barrier-exclusion complete extinction of dingo , wild-dog cross-breeds. poisoning species compound 1080 (sodium monofluoroacetate) baits has been seen cheaper alternative fence maintenance. compromise in form of continued use of poison , shortening of fence previous length of on 8000 km has been made.

in 2009 part of q150 celebrations, dingo fence announced 1 of q150 icons of queensland role iconic innovation , invention .


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