Foreign policy Charles Felix of Sardinia

theoretically, charles felix committed territorial expansion of realm, did not maintain expansionist illusions , preferred concentrate on economic , commercial interests of realm. in 1821, of austrians , english, signed advantageous trade agreement sublime porte.

in september 1825, in order force bey of tripoli observe treaty established him in 1816 under english auspices, , respect sardinian ships sailing along coast of north africa, launched demonstration of force. towards end of month, 2 frigates (commercio , cristina), corvette (tritone) , brig (nereide) under command of captain francesco sivori, appeared off coast of tripoli. after final attempt pressure bey diplomatically, ten sardinian longboats sailed harbour on night of 27 september , set fire tripolitanian brig , 2 schooners, routing or murdering tripolitanian troops. forced bey take more conciliatory approach.

in 1828 , ended construction of bridge on river ticino @ boffalora, had been begun brother victor emmanuel years earlier result of treaty emperor of austria, controlled other side of river part of kingdom of lombardy–venetia.


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