Maritime Port of Cleveland

1 maritime

1.1 operators
1.2 cleveland bulk terminal
1.3 terminals


docks maintained @ full great lakes seaway depth, 27 feet (8.2 m).


four terminal operators use port facilities:

carmeuse na
essroc (italcementi)
kenmore construction
federal marine terminals, inc.

cleveland bulk terminal

cleveland bulk terminal (cbt), located @ 5500 whiskey island drive, on whiskey island, port-owned operated carmeuse na handles iron ore transfers. lakefront facility can accommodate 1,000 feet (300 m) vessels used discharge , reload rail cars. automated cbt iron ore loader system on whiskey island on west side of cuyahoga river loads materials onto boats terminal , transfers materials @ rate of 5,200 tons per hour. limited handling of materials improves quality of pellets delivered mill.

the ore loader operation benefits 3 cleveland companies:

cleveland-cliffs—supplier of iron ore pellets
mittal steel company—uses pellets @ mills
carmeuse na—cbt operator , materials transporter


these facilities are:

nine berths , docks in either open dock or two-berth facilities
capacity lifting 150 net tons
direct rail access , warehousing ability
over 6,500 feet (2,000 m) of linear dock space,
420,000 square feet (39,000 m) of warehouse space and
12 acres (0.049 km) of open storage general cargo operations.


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