2007 gasworks development Launceston Gasworks

the oldest buildings on site: horizontal retort buildings visible foundations of 1 of older gasometers in foreground

the gasworks have been partially developed part of large 3 part scheme costing $35 million. first stage costing $8 million involving restoration of cottages on north of site part of new centrelink complex has been completed though second , third stages cancelled in 2008 due global financial crisis. second stage involve construction of whole new set of buildings consisting of offices, retail outlets, restaurants, , apartments. these buildings built on south of site facing cimitier street within foundations of gasometers free standing structure next governor cottage , glass office building connecting vertical retort house carburetted water gas building. part of second stage, governor cottage , horizontal retort meant restored allow access general public. third stage disapproved launceston council involve development of abandoned origin energy parking lot across willis street more shops has been converted public parking lot instead.


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