Beaches Guaratuba

1 beaches

1.1 caieiras beach
1.2 hotel beach
1.3 central beach
1.4 brejatuba beach
1.5 prainha

caieiras beach

the caieiras beach located between tip of johnnser , rocks of caieiras, has extension of 1 km, , used community of fishermen. curiosity on beach paraguayan steamer sunk when escaped brazil-paraguay war.

beach of christ

hotel beach

the hotel beach initiated in rocks of caieiras until hotel; extension in format of half moon , follows mount of christ.

central beach

the central beach starts in beach of hotel , goes until mount of christ, forming turkish beach, fishermen beach , beach of christ.

brejatuba beach

the brejatuba beach located south of mount of christ, in extension receives many names. bath, surf , fishing.


prainha located in tip of caiobá, before passage of bay.


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