Personal life Jonathan Ross

ross wife jane goldman @ british academy television awards 2009

ross married author/journalist/broadcaster jane goldman in 1988 when goldman 18. have since had 3 children: betty kitten, harvey kirby (named after jack kirby, comic book creator whom ross admires), , honey kinney. in 2005, ross made obe in queen s birthday honours services broadcasting. celebrated news playing god save queen sex pistols on radio 2 show.

ross , others have used rhotacism comic effect , known wossy, including on twitter feed (@wossy). right index finger crooked; revealed on top gear child accidentally sliced off tip of finger , had have reattached.

ross big pop , rock music fan , maintains particular interest in british punk rock, captivated him when young. first band saw in concert punk band x-ray spex @ islington s hope , anchor pub in north london. paid tribute lead singer poly styrene following death. has described himself big fan of david bowie find on planet . glam art rock band roxy music 1 of all-time favourite acts , invited perform on final episode of friday night jonathan ross.

ross fan of science fiction, including doctor who. contributed memories of series, included 1968 serial invasion, book raised funds alzheimer s research uk.

ross ardent fan of comic books , has co-owned comic shop in london paul gambaccini , released turf, first comic book, in 2010, american artist tommy lee edwards.

when interviewing colin farrell on friday night jonathan ross on 19 february 2010, ross claimed not have consumed alcohol ten years. however, on jonathan ross show aired in itv1 on 23 february 2013, ross drank 5 shots of tequila justin timberlake. ross later proclaimed on twitter feed got drunk on show justin timberlake. twqula [sic] strong.

ross has attended fund raiser james randi educational foundation called amazing meeting in london in 2009 , 2010. ross has described himself big fan of james randi , other speakers – prominent sceptics – , said , wife had come have sceptical view of world. ross has been supportive of simon singh s efforts defend accusation of libel british chiropractic association , ross has posed geek calendar 2011, fund raiser libel reform campaign.

on 6 june 2011, announced ross s pug mr pickle had been killed in accident on board train while ross filming new travelogue show itv.


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