Natural gas regulations 21st-century fossil fuel regulations in the United States

1 natural gas regulations

1.1 increased use in u.s.
1.2 natural gas industry in u.s.
1.3 natural gas controversies

1.3.1 environmental controversies
1.3.2 social controversies

natural gas regulations
increased use in u.s.

natural gas first discovered in united states in 1626, when french explorers found native americans setting gas on fire leaked lake erie. in 1816, u.s. first lighted streets of baltimore, maryland. in 1821, first successful natural gas dug in fredonia, new york, allowed american natural gas distribution company built there in 1858. , in 1836, first city-owned natural gas distribution company created in philadelphia, pennsylvania. while during 1800s, natural gas used lighting streets , homes, creation of pipelines in 1900s allowed extensive use of in home appliances, manufacturing plants, , boilers.

due increased population, increased per capita consumption, , increased standard of living, there has been drastically more energy consumption internationally. 2000s forward, there sharp increase in production, use, trade, , advocacy of natural gas in united states several reasons. of now, natural gas domestically abundant fossil fuel in country, , therefore considered affordable option in country. abundant because horizontal drilling , hydraulic fracturing have helped access natural gas unavailable gas deposits. considered world’s cleanest fossil fuel because generates least air pollution , releases least carbon dioxide per unit of energy oil or coal. seen “bridge fuel” between carbon-intensive coal , oil renewable energy future. reason sudden increased use of natural gas decrease in oil production , increase in oil prices increase in regulation , legislation of coal.

the industry has extensively publicized itself. have done first drilling in sites have best results later apply more critical sites. energy sector, needing come new sources of energy future, embraced natural gas unquestioningly. environmental organizations trying government cut carbon emissions didn t want call complete energy cutbacks, settled advocating natural gas use bridge fuel renewable future.

global demand energy supposed increase 50% in 20 years, , natural gas supposed increase 70% in 20 years. 30% of energy consumed in america comes natural gas , 93% of natural gas consumed comes within u.s.

natural gas industry in u.s.

in 90 s u.s. started using more natural gas because new technology able lower generation costs , pipeline expansion able increase availability. under presidency of george w. bush (2000-2008), combination of factors led growth in natural gas industry. bush passed energy policy act in 2005, exempted chemicals used in hydraulic fracturing safe water drinking act, means more places being fracked. starting around same time hydraulic fracturing , horizontal drilling became more used since made shale energy reserves more accessible. industry pushed drill more natural gas in more places, because believed had technology, expertise, , need fact tremendous energy , profit made more sites. however, until day 94% of country’s offshore acreage has not been made available energy development, despite requests natural gas industry.

this has allowed united states become world’s leading oil , natural gas producer since 2009, when surpassed russia. has caused more economic growth , energy security because less imported oil means less dependence, , more exported natural gas means more profit , ties more countries. during barack obama s presidency (2008-2016) attempted focus on domestic energy production , use. @ first had called natural gas cornerstone in administration’s “blueprint secure energy future”. wasn t until severe public outlash , large demonstrations mainstream media , environmental groups obama released climate action plan in 2013. plan attempted cut greenhouse gas emissions, cut carbon emissions, , cut methane emissions oil , gas production. released national climate change assessment, took part in paris climate agreement, , allowed higher epa regulations regulated fossil fuels, including natural gas production. during time period natural gas production decreased on federal lands; however, spiked on private lands, meant not losing momentum, unlike coal, time soon.

the election of donald trump (2017) has coincided country s attempt @ globalization increasing pipeline exports , lng shipments. has plans revive fossil fuel industry america first energy plan. in respect natural gas, plan attempt “take advantage of estimated $50 trillion in untapped shale, oil, , natural gas reserves, on federal lands american people own.” however, though trump plans on opening of these lands closed drilling, analysts believe not difficult regulation not increase revenue trump believes would. trump plans on eliminating obama s climate action plan , regulations.

natural gas controversies
environmental controversies

there have been several controversies in natural gas industry. natural gas use , production fracking have increased, environmental , human health risks associated have become more apparent, has made people doubt cleanliness of process.

natural gas facility

drilling has increased 2 out of 6 “criteria” pollutants (particulate matter , ozone) epa regulates due negative impacts. people come in contact these air pollutants can have severe health problems such respiratory issues, cardiovascular disease, , cancer. study has found people within half mile gas site more have health problems air pollution people living farther.

drilling risks contaminating surface water , groundwater, harms people drinking water sources. contamination happens when hazardous chemicals drilling process leak water, when processing , refining gas leave residue, , when disposal of waste water nearby pollutes land. these chemicals can radioactive materials, methane, other gases, , carcinogenic chemicals. however, industry has countered contamination result of bad practice , not of bad industry.

drilling harms ecosystems because drilling site accompanied construction, land disturbance, , land clearing. causes erosion of not dirt of other harmful pollutants. , drilling fragments wildlife’s habitat , migration needs.

the transportation of natural gas in pipes results in methane leakage. methane 34 times stronger co2 @ trapping heat on 100-year period.

the disposal of wastewater @ fracking sites injecting @ high pressure injection wells has caused small earth tremors. @ least half of 4.5 magnitude earthquakes in united states in last 10 years have happened in places there has been injection.

fracking uses huge amounts of water needs transported, inflicts not high cost industry high toll on environment.

anti-fracking protest

social controversies

anti-fracking campaigners, including greenpeace, have said fracking department of energy s attempt distract investment in renewable energy. because natural gas industry encouraging continued reliance on fossil fuels, claim boosts economy through exports , job opportunities.

the environmental justice aspect of hydraulic fracturing sites more located in places higher percentage of minority , low-income people. means higher water contamination, air pollution, ecosystem harm, , more risk earthquakes communities.


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