Mexico Nissan Violet

datsun 160j wagon (a10, mexico)

the a10-series violet commercialized in mexican car market 1978 1984. introduced 1979 model, superseded previous 710-series second generation datsun 160j . @ first, mexican a10 violet range included 4-door saloon , wagon, being (as previously) respectively marketed datsun sedan , datsun guayin (badged violet van in japan), continuing former promotion strategy of nissan mexico lineup. first time here, 2-door saloon version added range.

from 1979 1981, mexican-produced a10 units had pretty same design of japanese-spec a10 violets produced between 1977-1979 lapse. front grille of 4-door , wagon featured same doubled-circle headlight set (i.e. 2 pair of circular lamps), while 2-door saloon sported distinctive front grille, set of single circular right , left lamps.

for 1982, mexican a10 cars sported same facelift works made on 1979-1981 japanese-produced violets, going on bit north american-spec a10 units (marketed in usa datsun 510, hinting well-gained reputation of former 510-series bluebird model of late 60 s-early 70 s). slight facelift focused majorly on updated front grille, featuring singled or doubled set of new squared or rectangular-shaped headlights. here, commercialization of mexican a10 lineup changed datsun 180j, referring more powerful 1.8-liter carbureted engine swap.

also in 1982, 5-door liftback/hatchback version of a10 violet launched toward mexican market, datsun samurai. intended sleek, sporty while -by then- modern style saloon in nissan mexico lineup.

in 1984, in context of nissan s brand global name unification, datsun brand name phased out off world s market, in favor of single nissan brand name. thus, mexican a10 violet production phased out nissan mexico, switching manufacture domestic market production of b11 sunny/sentra range then, launched all-new nissan tsuru (1st. gen / b11).


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