Gasometers Launceston Gasworks

1 gasometers

1.1 no. 1 gas holder
1.2 no. 2 gas holder
1.3 no. 3 gas holder
1.4 no. 4 gas holder
1.5 no. 5 gas holder
1.6 no. 6 gas holder


located along southern perimeter of site facing cimitier street, gasometers gas produced @ gasworks stored @ pressure later distribution. @ present, 3 of original 5 gasometers on site in various levels of salvage. newest no.5 gasometer built in mid 1940s untouched except gas bell has been removed , pit filled. gasometer mounted on concrete base 12 sided steel frame mounted on top has been painted red. few meters east brick , sandstone foundations of 2 smaller gasometers; middle dating late 1800s , furthest east being 1 of original 2 built in 1860. these 2 gas holders smaller newer 1 , last painted boral s yellow , green colour scheme before dismantled in 2007. shortly after dismantling, proposal forwarded council develop 3 gasometers single 6 storey apartment block cancelled. other 1 of first 2 gasometers on site dismantled in 1900s foundations , water pit being converted covered tar , liquor located in eastern corner of site (now vacant). in 1946 plan site, final 250 000 cubic ft. gasometer proposed built northwest of no.5 gasometer canceled along rest of proposal.

no. 1 gas holder

capacity: 35 000 cubic ft. (991 cubic meters)
lift segments: 1
construction date: 1860
current condition: converted tar , liquor pit in 1900s. demolished later

no. 2 gas holder

capacity: 35 000 cubic ft. (later 70 000 cubic ft. (1982 cubic meters))
lift segments: 1 (later 2)
construction date: 1860 (rebuilt 1943)
current condition: frame , bell removed. base intact buried under parking lot (exposed prior 2014)

no. 3 gas holder

capacity: 70 000 cubic ft. (1982 cubic meters)
lift segments: 2
construction date: 1860s-80s (exact date unverified)
current condition: frame , bell removed. base intact buried under parking lot (exposed prior 2014)

no. 4 gas holder

capacity: 140 000 cubic ft. (3964 cubic meters)
lift segments: 2
construction date: 1910s (exact date unverified)
current condition: demolished

no. 5 gas holder

capacity: 250 000 cubic ft. (7079 cubic meters)
lift segments: 3
construction date: 1944
current condition: frame , base intact. bell removed

no. 6 gas holder

capacity: 250 000 cubic ft. (7079 cubic meters)
lift segments: 3
construction date: 1946 (proposed)
current condition: never built

one of 2 j&j braddock gasometers in governor cottage


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